Giovanni Fiandino

The Voices

Giovanni Fiandino

Tenor / Baritone

Since 1985 he has devoted himself to the study of voice performance under the guidance of various teachers including the opera singers Susanna Ghione and Sandra Balducci, and developed his skills through participation in masterclasses held by important teachers and performers of early music such as Mark Tucker, David Thomas, Harry Van Der Kamp, Evelyn Tubb and Andrew King, and “The King’s Singers”, to name a few.

Since the end of the 90s, he has been involved in concerts and research activities related to early music with an eye to little-known composers, from the Renaissance to the Baroque, from the Lieder tradition of the 1800s in Europe up to traditional and pop music vocal arrangements and elaborations of modern and contemporary composers.

He has taken part in numerous solo activities and chamber music ensembles in Italy, comprising several recordings for the Tactus label as well as performing in major national exhibitions including the “Stagione del Teatro Coccia” in Novara, the “Cori a Palazzo” International Festival in Mantua, the “Solevoci Festival” in Varese, the “VivaVoce A Cappella” Festival in Treviso, “Armonie Ritrovate” sponsored by Piemonte in Musica, the Musica Antica International Festival in Martinengo (BG), “I Luoghi Sacri del Suono” Festival in Modena, Music Festival of the Via Francigena, “Ora Mistica” at the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, “Saison Culturelle” in Valle d’Aosta, and the Stagione at the Teatro Paccagnini in Milan.

During a ten year period with the Triacamusicale vocal ensemble, he obtained national and international acclaim while participating in prestigious competitions (Third Prize at the “Seghizzi” 40th International Choral Singing Competion, the 40th “Montreux Choral Festival”) and, in 2002, recording “Gaudete! “, a CD recorded in collaboration with the Brass Express quintet of the Rai National Symphony Orchestra in Turin. Since 2009, he has been a member of the Coro da Camera di Torino with whom he has received prestigious awards such as the First Prize at the National Coral Competitions in Quartiano and Arezzo in 2011 and 2012 respectively. His participation in The Blossomed Voice vocal ensemble as tenor and baritone began in 2013.

The other Voices